Chief Marketing Officer
- 网络首席营销官;首席市场官;市场总监;首席市场营销官;为首席营销官

Impact of Chief Marketing Officer 's Capabilities on Business Performance
So , a chief marketing officer for example .
You have to be the chief marketing officer and get the word out .
He has become both the company 's de facto chief marketing officer and chief test driver .
A few months later , GM expanded his portfolio , making him its global chief marketing officer .
Before that , she was chief marketing officer and executive VP of card products for discover financial services .
One global chief marketing officer of a major hospitality company , for example , used to work in the dial-up Internet access business .
By the end of the decade he had moved to T-Mobile , where he became chief marketing officer .
But Huawei wants to be known for more than just gear , says Glory Cheung , chief marketing officer .
First , they located their chief marketing officer , Jane Ding , who was in the enrolling class of 2004 .
John Hayes , chief marketing officer at American Express , says the company will be measuring how the television advertisements influence activity at its site .
It also hired fashion executive Ivy Ross , most recently the chief marketing officer of Art . com , to lead its Glass team .
But she and Mr. Armstrong ' disagreed over what the chief marketing officer should do , ' this person recalls .
One other was demoted and four executives received reprimands , including Tmall 's president , according to Alibaba 's chief marketing officer .
Citing Intel 's aggressive culture , chief marketing officer Deborah Conrad says ," Sean would be the guy setting the pace . "
In 2006 , the company hired a flashy new chief marketing officer Julie Roehm on staff to spruce up its image .
Former PepsiCo Chief Marketing Officer Jill Beraud became the company 's CEO in late 2011 and helped Flint recruit the A-lister .
He eventually landed at CRM 2.61 % , where he stayed for nine years and became the company 's chief marketing officer and chief strategy officer .
motivates him to regularly work out and to be less sedentary through the day , says the 44-year-old chief marketing officer for an entertainment company .
Rovio , the developer behind the hugely successful Angry Birds game franchise , could go public in three or four years its chief marketing officer told a Finnish paper .
Vichate Tantiwanich , chief marketing officer in charge of issuers and listings at the exchange , says previously delayed plans are back on track .
But backing the company up , says its new chief marketing officer , are mobile operators who want to be able to offer consumers more than just market leaders Samsung and apple .
Agencies now talk about brands connecting directly with consumers , creating what Keith Weed , chief marketing officer of Unilever , calls a " path to purchase . "
We chose to be lab rats , said Chen Zhong , 32 , the chief marketing officer of an online media company in Beijing who bought a Tesla Model S last year .
Jolie Hunt , whom AOL recruited as chief marketing officer last July , parted ways in December when CEO Tim Armstrong decided to decentralize marketing .
Hayes Roth , chief marketing officer of Landor Associates , the consultancy , says : " There is remarkable consistency between strong brand value and stock performance . "
They report directly to the chief marketing officer and other senior executives and are expected to vie for a slice of the marketing budget alongside the company 's other brand managers .
Tens of millions of mobile subscribers around the world will be opting in to ad blocking by the end of the year , said Roi Carthy , chief marketing officer of Shine .
Jeffrey Hayzlett , chief marketing officer of Kodak , is a tireless twitterer who reports hour by hour on just how he is spending his day at work .
Daniel Greenberg , chief marketing officer at job-search portal simplyhired , notes that many companies know job hunters want a life outside the office , and have worded their job postings accordingly .